While no one likes to think that they will need to use a defibrillator at their place of business, it is better to be prepared than to just ignore the fact that it may be needed to save someone's life. Buying an AED unit and keeping it in the office is not going to be enough though. You need to have at lease one person trained to use it and to have all the supplies for it to be of any good. Here are a few accessories you should buy and keep in supply at all times.

Extra Batteries

 To be effective, the unit needs to have power. Since batteries can wear down even if never used, it is a good idea to have someone check the batteries every month and replace them as needed. As soon as you replace the batteries, order a new set. This way, no matter what happens ,you are sure to have the power to operate the unit.

Pads and Gel

You need to have pads and gel to use the paddles on someone. Every time you use the unit, you need to replace the pads, or it is even better to apply the new pads just before using the unit. Over time, the adhesive on the pads may become dry, so you should replace the pads yearly. In addition, the gel may dry out or separate if left in storage too long. When checking the batteries, check the consistency of the gel and replace it if it is no longer a gel. 

Instruction Manual and Poster

Even though you have someone trained to use the device, that does not mean they will be able to think clearly in the middle of a crisis. Make sure you have the operations manual for your AED unit kept with the device. In addition, having a poster giving the steps for use can be very handy. A second person can read the directions to the person using the unit if necessary to keep things going the way they need to go until medical help arrives. 

Any medical emergency can cause a bit of shock and fear in everyone around. Having all the proper equipment on hand to handle the situation makes things go easier and reduces the fear. When it comes to an AED device, you need to be sure it is kept in good repair and in a place where it can be easily retrieved. This piece of equipment can be truly life-saving. Don't lessen its value by not having the Zoll AED accessories needed for it to do its job.
